

The transformation of darkness into light


The word tonglen is Tibetan and means giving (gtong) and receiving (len). The practice of tonglen meditation originated in Buddhism and is used to receive suffering and darkness and to send out goodness, healing and light. Receiving is an act of compassion and sending is an act of kindness of heart. We practice accepting and transforming our own suffering and the suffering of others with tonglen practice. We tend to avoid dark emotions and situations. Our heart hardens and we avoid contact with suffering and suffering people, as well as people surrounded by darkness. We are not trained to deal with dark energies and as a consequence we leave other people alone with their suffering. This is how we are predisposed, but it does not correspond to the expectations we have of ourselves. We actually wish that we were able to help other people and indeed ourselves when we are gripped by darkness, be it illness, melancholy, fear, anger, financial hardship, hunger, displacement or addiction. Tonglen practice helps us to deal with difficult situations and people in need in a positive and uplifting way. Liberating compassion is called enlightenment spirit (bodhichitta) in the Buddhist tradition and Christ consciousness in the Christian tradition.

Before you start the practice, read through it and consider whether this practice is suitable for you. You may not be able to accept the darkness of others at the moment. In this case, Loving Kindness Meditation may be more appropriate for you.


1. Attunement

Get into a comfortable and stable meditation posture. Quiet your body, still the inner speech and make your mind wide and open. Sound a singing bowl and while it is sounding, stay in this state of calm, stillness and spaciousness.

2. Inhale darkness - exhale light

When the singing bowl has fallen silent, begin to breathe in and out calmly for the same length of time. Visualise a feeling of claustrophobia that feels hot and dark. With each inhale, imagine breathing in this feeling of claustrophobia and with each exhale breathing out openness and spaciousness that feels cool, light and refreshing. Repeat this for a few minutes, inhaling and exhaling for the same length of time.

3. Specific person

Now imagine a specific person, being or people group in need. You can also choose yourself as the specific person, accepting and transforming your own darkness. With each breath you inhale that person's suffering and with the exhale you send relief.  You can silently say a word like compassion on the inhale and strength, wellbeing or healing on the exhale. Open to the person and accept their suffering and darkness, transform them in your inner light body and send out openness, freshness and light.

4. Expansion

After a few minutes, move into the expansion phase and breathe in the distress and darkness of all beings and breathe out openness, relief and light. Start with the people and beings in your immediate environment and expand the circle to the people in your city, in your country and eventually in the whole world. Stay with the exercise for a few minutes and then come to rest. Finally, let all the ideas go and come back to your everyday consciousness.

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